Thank you for your interest in completing the Community Safety & Well-Being (CSWB) survey.
The Community Safety & Well-Being (CSWB) survey is being hosted by the Townships of Hilton, Jocelyn, Johnson, Plummer Additional, St. Joseph, Tarbutt, the Village of Hilton Beach and the Town of Bruce Mines.
It’s meant to be completed by the residents of each municipality to help us understand their current state of well-being and feelings of safety so we can work together to focus on improving the quality of life for everyone.
This survey is completely voluntary and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey responses are being confidentially collected and analyzed by the municipalities. All responses will be kept confidential, and only overall results, without individual identifying information, will be shared.
We are providing a link: if you would like to complete this short survey online.
The survey is also being sent out as a flyer to our permanent residents. Please only complete the survey once.
We would appreciate it if you could submit your responses as soon as possible given the July 1, 2021 deadline for plan completion.
On behalf of the Township of Hilton, thank you for participating in this survey.